3.6. Sludge Extractor

Pic. 10 Sludge Extractor
The Extractor is a small collapsible scraper
used to extract and liquefy sludge from big tanks (over 50,000 m3).
It is carried into the tank through manhole (500 mm) as several
light and easy to assemble pieces. The heaviest part is 30 kg.
Extractor re-assembled inside the tank (2 hrs.) and hydraulically
powered by MegaMacs’ unit.
Two independently powered track drives are
used to propel and maneuver the unit around the tanks interior. A
powerful hydraulically driven scraper arm excavates the sludge and
draws it into the machine intake; helical screw moves it to the
build in screw pump where it is slurried with water prior to being
pumped from the tank.
When properly operated, unit can excavate,
slurry, and pump up to 500’ (150 m) approximately 15 tons of
heaviest sludge per hour. Just one driver/operator required inside
the tank to operate extractor limiting liability exposure to the