64MT Portable Rotary Kiln
The 64MT
Portable Rotary Kiln is a
counter flow thermal vaporizer.
The soil travels
down the kiln
towards the burner while the air
flow travels the opposite
direction from
the burner
towards the bag house. This
allows for increased heat
transfer of heat from the
air stream into
the soil. Soil discharge
temperatures in excess of 800
degrees Fahrenheit
can be achieved
by this configuration. The heat
source is a 20MMBtu/hr burner.
rotating of the
kiln tumbles soil down the kiln
while the flighting inside the
kiln increases
the agitation of
the soil while increasing the
retention time to improve the
efficiency. The heated soil
exits the drum an enters the 26”
x 11’ Single Shaft
Pugmill. The dry
treated soil is now mixed with
water to rehydrate the soil and
allow for
safer handling
and proper compaction of the
treated soil. After sufficient
mixing with
water the
treated, rehydrated soil passes
along a portable conveyor and
placed in a pile to
await confirmatory analysis.